Saturday morning came and we were up early again and ready for our last day in Paris! We got up and headed over to Notre-Dome. We have been to tons of Cathedrals in England, but it was neat to go to this one because it was so famous and I have heard lots about it.
Notre-Dome has the coolest architecture on the outside. It is very detailed in many ways. Personally, I enjoyed looking at the outside more than the inside. It is cool how many gargoyles are on the edge of it to "keep evil spirits away."
This is the Upper Room of Sainte Chapelle. The stained-glass windows were GORGEOUS! It was so amazing to see!
This is the National Opera House (L'Opera-Garnier). It was huge, and had really cool rooms inside!
As our last stop before we returned back home, we stopped in a little town called Montmarte and walked around. It had so many cute little shops that we went in and it was way fun to walk around.
It took us quite a while to figure out the Metro when we first got to Paris, but by the end we had it down! It was fun to stop and listen to the differen people playing in the tunnels for money. This was my favorite!
I can't believe that I really went to Paris!!! The whole trip still seems so surreal to me! I absolutely LOVED the city and I had such a fun time. It was such an exhausting few days, but totally worth every minute of it. I am surprised of how much we saw just in three short days, but I am so grateful for the chance that I had to go there. I feel so blessed to be here and I am so happy for these experiences that I am having! I LOVED Paris, but it felt so good to return back home to London! :)
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